I recently flew from Manchester,
England, to Philadelphia. As it was the port of entry into the US, all
passengers had to go through customs. There were two lines, one for visitors
and another one for US citizens and green card holders. The lines went from
Philadelphia to Kansas City and back. It took me 78 minutes to get to the
customs officer. There were 60 border patrol booths, 56 of which were totally
empty, leaving just 4 officers to contend with tons of smelly, cranky, unkempt,
constipated passengers. Thousands of people had to wait for over an hour while
the entire process could have been done, seamlessly, ON THE PLANE, while
passengers usually waste time, snore, fart, and make a total mess of the
The flight from Manchester took approximately
7 hours. If we would have had 2 customs officers checking passports of 200
passengers at a rate of 2 minutes per passenger, in little over 3 hours we
would have been done, giving customs officials enough time to enjoy re-runs of
Parks and Recreation, not to mention the free pretzels and the opportunity to
know some of the countries from which they incarcerate illegal aliens.
If you assign a monetary value to
the time wasted by thousands of people in the Philadelphia airport -- who could
have been stimulating the economy by gorging on big Macs and buying laxatives
-- plus the cost of Febreze to eliminate unwanted passenger odors, sending two
officers on every plane coming from overseas more than pays for itself. I got
the inspiration for this brilliant idea from none other than American Airlines,
which is trying to be a model of efficiency and recycling.
Flying to New York with my wife to
visit our son, I discovered, and this is true, that the airline uses coffee
bags as air fresheners in toilets. At first I thought I was mistaken, so I went
to a second toilet, and sure enough, there it was, sitting on the counter, next
to the tiny lavatory, another coffee bag, the kind you put in airplane
percolators. If you don’t believe me, have a look below at the picture I took. That
was American Airlines.
I flew back from England with US
Airways, now part of the “new American Airlines,” and what do you know, there
it was, the coffee bag in the toilet. Thank God I don’t drink coffee, but I
could not help thinking who was going to drink the half urinated coffee after
the flight attendant recycled the coffee bag from the toilet. I’m sure flight
attendants keep a list of difficult passengers. We need more companies like
American Airlines that know how to recycle, how to be efficient, and how to
punish difficult clients.
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