I came to this country because I thought that personal
responsibility was big here. Instead, I found a bunch of low performing,
mediocre politicians, professionals and celebrities ready to blame the world
but themselves for their shortcomings. No wonder that the totally politically
incorrect Amy Chua is gaining traction. The author of Battle Hymn for the Tiger
Mother and The Triple Package (with hubby Jed Rubenfeld) claims that success
relies on three characteristics: impulse control, feelings of inferiority, and
feelings of superiority.
I think I’m going to join the Amy Chua movement of
sadomasochist believers in high expectations. I already fulfil two of her
requirements. In fact, I invented impulse
control and feelings of inferiority. I’m working now on feelings of
superiority, but it’s not going well. Nobody believes me.
Delighted to 'discover' your wonderful approach! :)